Welcome to Houston Flyball

We are a fresh new competitive Flyball team that train in Llaneilian on Anglesey.

It all began in 2011 when I tried to find a local dog club to do agility. I came across a Flyball team close by that were advertising beginners courses and thought that it sounded interesting.

11 years later I have grown to love this crazy amateur dog sport. I have travelled the length and breadth of the UK and competed at every level. In 2015 I was lucky enough to compete at Crufts.

I’ve been with a couple of clubs and was very proud to setup and manage the Only Fools and Pooches Flyball club with a couple of friends.  However, since moving to Anglesey the distance became a tad difficult.

Once the pandemic was over I wanted to return to competitive Flyball, as there are no local competitive clubs on Anglesey so I thought I would set one up myself.

The first beginners course started in August 2021 and we have been training both at our outdoor and indoor facilities.  We have a great friendly group of members, none of which had done Flyball before. All the practice and hard work has paid off and in 2022 we started to compete.

There is a new beginners course coming soon, why don’t you come and join us?  Please use the contact form below for more information or to ask when the next beginner courses start.

Please add your first/last name
Please add your contact telephone number
Please add any comments you may think are applicable
Please enter your dogs name
Please enter the approximate age of your dog
Please enter your dogs name
Please enter the approximate age of your dog